Our Journey
A group of painters meeting in Washington Park, Pomona, held their first exhibition in the Pomona City Library in 1948. This enthusiastic art club became the POMONA VALLEY ART ASSOCIATION in 1952. Its constitution and by-laws were adopted in January of that year. A move to the Pomona Mall in 1960 was the first of many homes for the Association.
Through the loyal, dedicated efforts of its members and friends, it has continued to serve the community, increasing the understanding of and appreciation for art and at the same time promoting and supporting many fine artists and artisans.
The Association is proud of the fact that its membership through the years has included outstanding award-winning artists who have achieved recognition and acclaim in the art world, such as MILFORD ZORNES, MILLARD SHEETS, BETTY DAVENPORT FORD, DAVID W. SCOTT, & DON O’NEILL. As a member, you become part of its future history.
POMONA VALLEY ART ASSOCIATION is a volunteer supported non-profit organization dedicated to the stimulation of creative interest, education and the enjoyment of art in all its various forms. Nominal yearly dues allows anyone to become a member of this well established and honored organization. Pomona Valley Art Association is a 501c(3) non-profit art association.
Whether you are an artist or one who appreciates fine art, and would like to support the Arts in the community , please consider becoming a member of POMONA VALLEY ART ASSOCIATION. You can pay for a membership here online or you may or visit us at our location in the Claremont Village in Claremont CA. We are located 317 W First Street Claremont CA.
Your Board Members 2024
President...John Bagley Jr
Vice-President... Ruthellyn Whittington
Treasurer... Finance Team
Recording Secretary...Linda Garcia Dahle
Board Members at Large... Heidi Alder, Alma Ford , Linda Hauser, Don Markofski, Kathleen McCall , Elizabeth Preston.
Gallery Operations Exhibit Team ..., Kathleen McCall , Diantha Thompson, Andre Ford,
Tri-Annual Show Team..Sonia Sleeger, Su Cheateam Abraham Basulto
Staffing Team ..Charlene Hobbs , Danny Mattijetz
Communications & Social Media Team . Noe Reyes , Esperanza Urban , John Bagley Jr
Tech Shopify Team Heidi Alder , Ed Gandara , Noe Reyes , Matthew Nightingale
Education/ Calendar and Events Heidi Alder, Liza Carrillo, Cory Byers, Roxanne Worley-Holm, Mujib Ahmed
Advertising /Newsletter Don Markofski, Ellen Shultz , Ben Blake
Finance Team Ruthellyn Whittington, Kathy Thomas, Jeffery Paulus,
Didactic Team , Lisa Waldschmidt Esperanza Urban
Supplies and Maintenance Jim Balderrama, Donna Mieux, Bobbie Lane, Maryann Rachford
Community Outreach Kathleen McCall, , Craig Harper, Michelle Stroman-McGuire, Elizabeth Preston
Interviewing Team Arlene Moreno, Linda Hauser , Diantha Thompson
Grant / Fundraising James Ellison, Shohreh Abdolrami, Collen Sparlin,
Intake Team , Linda Garcia Dahle, Jeffrey Paulus, Ed Gandara
Membership Alma Ford, Betty Cavanaugh/ Office forms Susan Perry, , Robin Driscoll